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Athletic Therapists are experts in the Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries. Athletic Therapy isn't just for the athletes, it's for everyone!!!!
Treatment can include IFC/electrical stimulation, Ultrasound and Tapping.

Similar to Physiotherapy in terms of treatment protocol.


***Prices subject to change at anytime***


Athletic Therapy assists with recovery and work to build the strength, flexibility and balance to prevent re-injury and continue a healthy, active  lifestyle. 

Your initial visit includes an assessment and first treatment.


90 Mins Initial Visit -- $140.00
60 Mins Initial Visit -- $100.00

60 Mins Follow-up -- $75.00

45 Mins Follow-up -- $57.50

30 Mins Follow up -- $40.00

**All Prices Include GST**


MPI and WBC Claims Accepted


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