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White Lily Bouquet


Blue Cross Insurance

Chamber of Commerce

Claimsecure Insurance

Co-Operators Insurance


Equitable Life Insurance

Empire Life

 Canada Life (Great West Life) Assurance


GroupHEALTH Insurance

GroupSource Insurance

Industrial Alliance

Johnson Inc.

Johnston Group Inc.

Manulife Insurance

Maximum Insurance

Sirius Benefits


Sunlife Insurance​​

     Policies with NO ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS or TELUS SUBMISSION must pay in full.

     Policies vary per company, member is responsible to know their insurance rules and track benefits used.

WE DIRECT BILL AS A COURTESY, NOT AS AN OBLIGATION. It's your insurance, so it is your responsibility to keep track of amounts and your policy rules. If there is a policy we cannot or do not direct bill, then your will have to pay for your service and submit on your own. Most insurance companies pay policy holder within 24-48hrs.

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